The Feedback Loop from Hell.

 Mark Manson, in his New York Times Best seller book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck gives a concept called "The Feedback Loop from Hell."

 This basically means that feeling an emotion over feeling the said emotion intensely for feeling it in the first place. Let's break it down.

Say you feel sad about something that you want to get over, now you feel sad for feeling sad and feel sad again for not being able to get over it. 

Say you are a person with temper issues and you lose your temper. Now you are angry with yourself for getting angry and, again you lose your temper over the fact that you make yourself look like a mean person.  

And the cycle goes on...

Manson says that today's social media culture has given birth to a belief that feeling these negative emotions is not okay, which is not true.

"The Feedback loop from Hell has become a borderline epidemic, making many of us overly stressed, overly neurotic and self-loathing"

                                                               - Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.

Two sides make a coin: Day and night makes a day; feeling like sunshine and feeling like trash makes life. This is the structure of life that man is incapable of changing. 

Somedays you feel like conquering the world and on some others you don't even have the energy to wake up from your bed. Feeling either way is totally fine. 

Don't beat yourself up and treat yourself as you would want your significant other to treat you.

It's okay not to be okay.

After all, What's life without a few drama with emotions!


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