Leave Quietly
Leave quietly.
Don't make a fuss.
Don't waste your energy on something or someone that does not appreciate it.
Yes, it is difficult but what's the point if they don't hear you?
Yes, it crushes you knowing that every ounce of effort you put in was for nothing.
But, listen carefully darling,
Not everyone is meant to understand your worth.
But that does not make you any less valuable.
A monkey can hold a book but can't make head or tail out of it.
That does not mean that it is a bad book but it's just in the wrong hands.
Silence is the best revenge.
Establish yourself.
So that you will be everywhere they see but nowhere to be found.
That is how you comeback- stronger than a 90's trend.
Maturing is realising that it's easier to just keep quiet instead of explaining.